Friday, May 28, 2010

"Repressed memories" and feminists

This is a story of a truly courageous woman, and I used this word “courageous” not in a the sense feminists use it often (such as the so-called “courageous” women suing corporations for sexual discrimination, etc. – no, that’s just being opportunistic, hungry after money, and riding the politically-correct bandwagon), but in a true sense of the word. Ms. Loftus should be in the same league with Suan Hoff Summers, and others who courageously fight against politically-correct feminist orthodoxy.

Repressed memories, which were quite a rage in the 1990’s, was one of the feminists’ weapons of choice in their battle against men. Most of the memories supposedly repressed were those of rape/molestation by father/male members of family against very young girls who were either too young or too traumatized (or both) to recount the alleged events. It naturally followed that promoting the concept, and pressuring courts and judges to adopt it as a valid evidence in judicial proceeding, was important for feminists in their quest to put as many innocent men behind bars as possible, to raise awareness of child abuse by men, and to paint all men as actual or potential child abusers. It was no wonder why feminists had such hysteric and hostile reactions against Ms. Loftus when she methodically and steadfastly debunked tricks behind the concept of repressed memories so welcomed by feminists.

“For her courage in confronting this menace, Loftus was ostracized by clinical psychologists, denounced as an enemy of women, and accused of molesting her own children, though she had none. Armed guards accompanied her at lectures. And when she dared to reinvestigate a particularly compelling allegation of sexual abuse—the "Jane Doe" case—her university seized her files and barred her from publishing or discussing her findings. (Read Memory and Truth: The Mystery of Jane Doe.) She persisted in the face of these ordeals because she refused to live in a world of lies.”

It seems the tactics feminists' use to silence their opponents are same in the 1990's. While it is true that Ms. Loftus was subjected to feminists attack, she persisted. Still, I cannot help but think, what if Ms. Loftus was Mr. Loftus? Would “he” be able to survive such politically-correct attacks? Probably not.