Friday, October 27, 2006

False rape accuser

I don't know why this habitual false rape accuser is in such a whinning

If you are going to knowingly make false accusations, and completely ruin
the accused men's life
with them, you better be prepared for the
when the false accusations are exposed as well.

Instead, this woman is reported to be "devastated" and feel like the "whole
world fell apart"!
For what? For her lies being exposed in the public? This
women's fake emotional devastation shows the state of arrogance and
complacency women have reached
as a result of all the rape-sheild laws and
rape victim industry and sympathetic media toward alleged victims. These
women take it for granted that they can wantonly make false accusation about
rape, while their privacy and identity being tightly proteted by law, and if
lucky get huge settlments award or benefits from the government. They come
to forget that lieing is bad, especially the ones that are done with a
malicious intent to ruin innocent people's entire life. They have also
become unaccostomed to the fact that one has take responsibility for their
own acts. Oh, but this "poor' women was abe to get none of these "benefits"
because her lie was exposed and now she is utterly "shock" sympathy
goes to her......

Or is it just another way of her continuing to cling to her beloved "victim"
status? Now that her initial claim of being victim of rape no longer does
the trick of duping the public, she changed her tactic to play some feeble,
sensitive woman
who is "devastated" by such heinous act as exposing a lie in

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