Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What`s real news?

Translation of the news below - Norwegian feminists are getting worried that their funding and support are diminishing....

NewsTrack - Top News
Rape up dramatically in Oslo
OSLO, Norway, Dec. 12 (UPI) -- Rapes are becoming increasingly common in Norway's capital city, with the number of victims seeking help from Oslo's clinic doubling in a decade.

This year, the emergency clinic reports almost 300 victims have come in for treatment, Aftenposten reported. That's up from 235 last year and enough that Oslo's per capita rate of reported sexual assaults is higher than New York's.

"Our resources have been the same for the past 10 years, while the number of our patients has doubled, and continues to increase this year," said Endre Sandvik, the head of the Oslo Legevakt Hospital.

Sandvik said clinic staff are also taking more time with each victim to secure evidence for prosecutors.

"The growth in the number of rapes is dramatic," said Councilwoman Sylvi Listhaug. "It makes me angry, and worried about the young women of our city."

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