Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fickle women and Andrea Dworkism

This pseudo-legal debate on whether woman can claim rape after initial consent is entirely done from women's perspective. An adult, grown-up women can have a full, legal right to change heart anytime, for whatever reason after giving initial consent and during sex, while men have to be always on a maximum alert during the act, which can often get wild, on the slightest sign of women changing her heart or he will risk ruining his life and prison rape. Aren't women going to take any responsibility for giving consent in the first place? Aren't we infantilizing women too much? Didn't know men wear condom? Well, couldn't you check before it began? Didn't know a man has HIV? What kind of women will learn that a man has HIV after starting sex?

What feminists are fighting for is an even greater power for everywomen to send everymen to prison at their whims. Come to think of it, this is a truly unique power that an ordinary citizen could have - to send another citizen to prisons at their ancient times, only tyrants used to have this kind of power but we've learned that this century is a "women's century". But this may be extreme but logical extension of to the two-class system that we have in the society, women (first class citizens) and men (second class citizens).

It's a bit funny that people (gender feminists and pro-feminist males) are seriously discussing how soon is soon enough to stop sex for men to avoid prison sentence, because even in States where a law (shall we call change-of-heart-law?) does not exist (Maryland), the court is already putting men behind bars for exactly that.

Actually this entire debate is kind of moot since no court in this country is going to back men in "he said, she said case" so even with or without a law, women can claim rape two weeks after perfectly consensual and romantic affair- no court in this country is going to doubt such a claim. Add to this brouhaha a proposal by gender feminists to criminalize men who have sex with adult women who sip a half can of beer before sex, soon it will be official to that no sex is safe in this country. By this I mean not "disease" safe, but "rape prosecution" safe sex.

Thanks to feminists' advocacy, the once solid line between haneous act of rape and consensual sex is further blurred. Am I the only one who smells a whiff of Andrea Dworkinism in the whole debate? While most gender feminists may deny it, my guess is that it is not going to stop until the legal definition of rape reaches feminists' icon Andrea Dworkin's definition of it which says "all form of sex is rape".

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