Sunday, April 15, 2007

She is such a geek

National Public Radio from Leonart Lopate show 18 Januray 2007.
“She’s such a geek”

Nothing tells you more clearly that gender feminists have lost their own sense of worth and based women’s worth on how well they could imitate men – than feminists’ rather misguided drive to seek recognition for girl geeks. According to their value-system, anything men do is good and therefore girls have to do it, and not just do it but do it with the exact same intensity and vigor as men do, and exact same proportion of girls should be doing that any given activity as the proportion of men.

It’s ironic that feminists movement that began with one of its founding intention to define women and femininity in a way that is free from the prevailing male-dominated perspective, and who have institutionalized throughout society politically-correct easy vilification of men, ended up imitating whatever men do, without any of its own judgment.

The fact of the matter is that, although many guy geeks tend to be smarter, have higher IQ, better in science and math, and may end up with more high-paying job, (not all of them necessarily though), even male geeks are not, and never have been, subject of admiration or looked up to by other boys. They are rather subject of ridicule or harassment by other guys, particularly jock type.

This is such a common-sensical things to most guys and also to many girls, unless she is male-hating feminists type who spend most of their free time in library reading works of the late Andrea Dworkin or attending V-day (of course not Valentine’s Day but Violence against women day) poetry smash. Well, actually there could one type of geek that only girls can be; a feminist geek, a geek who find ecstasy in putting up posters of Andrea Dworkin or Mary Daly in her room and who collect all literally works by such great feminist writers.

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