Thursday, March 19, 2009

Re-educate those young girls

It looks like young girls are living in a more gender-free world where you don't have see every single events through tired old doctrinaire gender-feminist lense.

Understandably it poses a trouble for traditional feminists type. While they pretend that they've fought for a gender-free world where peopel do not have to be judged on the basis of gender, they are doing the exact opposite : re-educate those free-minded young girls into the mold of old radical feminsts type, by re-interpreting the entire Chris-Rohana event for them. I understand this motive, because, if this confrontation was simply reduced to physical altercation between a couple, as more common-sensical young girls of today do, then the whole feminists ideology which posits that males uses violence to perpetuate patriarchy would totally collapse. Such a prospect would really, to use the author's words, make these arch-feminists "feel vulnerable" and "terrifying".

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