Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Failing boy's grade and Newsweek

Gender feminists have vested interest in keeping boys grades down. In short, it ensures that more girls than boys go to better colleges, more girls than boys will get better jobs, with higher salaries, social status and power, thus, gender wage gap will be narrowed and reversed, percentage of women in the Congress, CEO of Fortune 500 and partners of prestigious law firms will increase and eventually dominate majority. It will also create favorable (for feminists, of course) stereotype that girls and women are smarter, better and occupy high positions, while boys and men are dumber and languish in less-skilled jobs and overrepresented in prisons. In short, keeping the current situation will enable creation of feminists’ utopia.

That is why gender feminists will need to suppress or at least spin the discussions about boys’ failing grades in school. In this week’s Newsweek’s cover story, renowned feminists Carol Gilligan, who was very instrumental in raising the profile of problem with girls in school back in 80’s and 90’s in the first place, is now pretending to care about boys (she is a mother of three boys – was sex selection of babies not available to her back then?). It is profoundly ironic (or predicted?) that the Newsweek is turning to the very gender feminists who is the chief suspect of causing todays’ boy’s failure in school system by systematically slanting educational priorities, criteria and methodologies to benefit girls over boys.

Before discussing about boys’ failure, she reminds us that “We are only a generation away from the time when girls were effectively off the map”, and spends much time boasting the achievements made with respect to girls’ education. When she finally turns to the core issue, she continues her agenda by trying to foster sensitivity in boys, along the favored feminists’ line of immasculating males to achieve gender-neutral or blind society. Of course, as a devoted feminist; she does not forget to warn the readers of the danger of “trouble boys are having with school becomes grounds for reinstituting traditional codes of manhood, including a return to the patriarchal family” and whines that “men still outnumber women at the highest levels of academia, as well as in business and government”. She concludes by saying “we now have an opportunity to redress a system of gender relationships that endangers both sexes”. Feminists will always be feminists, aren’t they?

If the discussion on boys’ failing grade, a problem that deserves the highest attention, that finally made into the attention of major news media is so much spun along gender feminists ideology who had created this very problem in the first place, we are reminded that the problem of boy’s failing grade goes much deeper than simply a creating all-boy school or employing more boy-friendly educational methods. The Newsweek’s story is like turning to Hitler or Goeling for ways to redress the poor living and social condition of Jews in the Third Reich. Yeah, I’m sure you will get the right answer.


http://msnbc.msn.com/id/10965522/site/newsweek/ (main story)


Anonymous said...

You might find this interesting:

Girls Education

sorenlerby said...

Thanks for your comments...

Sometime I wonder, despite the fact that girls do so much better at all educational levels, why still boys or men are still occupying top tiers of academic achievement - is it because males are more competetive, (and certain level of competetiveness is necessary to be the top) or geniuses are more likely to be found among males (males are more likely to be in the either of the two extremes - genius or criminals)? Whatever the real reason, feminists won't be happy unless the gender balance of top achivers REFLECTS the gender balance of the whole or lower groups - so let's say if girls are doing much better than boys in thrid grade, say occupying 80 percent of the top A grades given to students, THEN, 80 percent of the Nobel prize must go to women. This is a very logical extension (and likely to be raised by feminists) of concept of statistical equality otherwise known as Title IX mentality.