Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"Glass cliff"

Yes. Of course, it’s always men’s fault, and the entire patriarchy is conniving to set women up -by making them CEOs!!!

How much special considerations and treatments do these supposedly “superior sex” need? For radical feminists infatuated with bottomless sense of gender entitlement, simply giving women priority consideration for lucrative jobs (as do most Western countries) or setting up government-mandated gender quota (such as in Norway) are not enough, but also need to make sure that the companies women are affirmative-actioned into are successful, profitable companies - so that those women could keep getting those fat checks (presumably to balance the so-called gender pay-gap?) and take all the credits (to prove their gender’s superiority?) when the companies do stay on track and keep making profits independently of newly hired affirmative action CEOs in tight skirts.

Women who are candidates for CEO positions no less can’t even figure out if the companies they are applying are in trouble, and ready to whine and blame it on patriarchy when it indeed fail? They are worse than 22-year old college glads (boys). Hey, do we really still need female CEOs?
What’s the next new entitlement for women? A quota for women CEOs in well-to-do business, instead of failing ones? Mandatory appointment of men in these failing business? (to tarnish male CEO’s reputation in general)

Once the entitlement is conferred upon to one demographic group, it will be taken for granted by them and the demand for further entitlement will grow, instead of efforts by them to try to get on their feet.

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