Thursday, July 26, 2007

Women better than men in small business?

What if we start to count the number of ways in which men are better at business? Would it be a nice little article to be featured on New York Times? Or will you be fired and thrown off to streets after immediately being labeled as “chauvinist pig” or “neandelthaal”, possibly along with some phony sexual harassment charges from 50 plus old, 180-pound, unhappy feminist type in other department?

It can only be a nice little article when you are discussing ways in which women are superior. Not other way around. Never.

Maybe there is really some grain of truths that women are in some ways better at small business, especially if you limit to consider only certain aspects of owning small businesses. (you know, skills like pick up nuances and juggle work-life balance) But maybe the same reason that gives women some edge over men in small business maybe causing women to fall behind men in the race for climbing corporate ladder. Running small business and running large, multi-national corporations are quire different matters, which require different skill sets and attributes to succeed. Does the author of this article want to discuss that? I bet he doesn’t. But at least he is smart enough to figure out that he will be safe in this PC world as long as he is pandering to feminists.

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