Monday, October 05, 2009

Very predictable article from Slate

I like an article that is very predictable, an article whose conslusion you can tell even beofer reading the first paragraph. Who would expect that an article that appears (and therefore editorially approved) in Slate could come to a different conclusion? Would anyone believe Slate editor would approve an article that says, um, actually men are better than women (as judges or whatever professions)? Would professors in politically-correct university dare to publish an article that doesn't say women are better than men? Why should anyone risk tenured life for not dancing along approved PC lines?

Anyway the article does a good job trying to pretend that this article is based on some scholary study when in fact it is just another recycled feminist nonsense.

The main argument that these authors use to say that women are just as good as men (or even better) is that first, women judges are more independent, and second, women judges who come from smaller pool are just as good as men who come from larger pool and therefore women is better.

On first point, I don't know when one decided that deviating from political party's line is a proof of better judge. If that's the case, Judge Sotomoyer the female supremo will go down in the history as one of the worst judge as you can easily predict when it comes to issues such as affirmative action, gender, etc. she is going to vote 100% in line with Democratic Party line (and so far the record shows that she has)

On second point, it simply shows that women are terrible at math and statistics. I don't know why they love to prove correct over and over again with their own actions and stupidity the Lawrence Sumer's theory that women are genetically inferior when it comes to math and numbers.

The real danger here is that this kind of psuedo-scientific study is going to be taken at its face value and media will gladly use it as a part of growing body of "evidence" that shows superiority of women in court, etc. As long as there are hard-core feminists in academia who are on the fringe and who have nothing to do but to manufacture this kind of lies and the liberal media that take these studies uncritically (as long as they conform to PC views), this will never go away.

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