Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Being a man bad for the environment

Here is an article on a study that looks into a critical link between two of the most (politically-correct) issues today environment and feminism. Now that these two are “proven” to be inter-linked, (it’s vouched by non other than the government of Sweden and the United Nations – no more “discussions”, but only “actions” are allowed - ) it is now official that persecuting men is good for the environment. Nature and women will join hand in hand to attack their enemy – men.

Come to think of it, not only men drive 3 out of 4 cars in Sweden (really?), but men owns most of the car companies, and other industrial manufactures and factories, large corporations that utilities (assuming that Sweden is still not tainted by Norwegian women-must-make-up-40%-of-boardroom law) that causes environmental havoc.

Wait, if we continue our current women-promotion and gender-bender programmes and increase women in boardrooms, champion women in untraditional roles like drivers, and meat eaters, would it increase women’s part in environmental destruction – do we need to start persecuting women also? No! Remember that women ARE the environment, the mother nature!

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