Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Very bureaucratic execution of a man

I don't know if the female judge closed the court at 5PM because the inmate was a man. But if the inmate was a woman, it would have been on her mind for a whole day, because the media wold have been reporting it for days, as "the first women to be executied in...." and run sympathetic stories after stories about her, how childhood abuse by father,stepfather, brothers or abusive spouse have caused her to commit the crime..usual "woman defence", and the female judge would have never though about closing the office at 5PM.
I'm also sure, as a woman, the judge had to leave at 5PM to tend to her family, beause as feminsts repeatedly tell us, that even career women are burdened with "double-shift", while men can simply focus on work and slouch in the couch rest of the time. So in a nutshel, it is men's fault, right?

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