Thursday, November 01, 2007

Karen hughes failed

It is intresting that all 3 persons charged with the task of promoting the US public diplomacy in Arab world after 9/11, including Karen Hughes herself, the perons who is subject of this article, are WOMEN. And all FAILED MISERABLY. Of course it is not all attributable to the fact that they were women (in fact maybe far from it), but for the record, it must be noted that these WOMEN failed. Because it is easy for many poeple in the liberal circle (and of course among feminist sisters) to get selective amneisa and recall only the achievements of women in senior roles and somehow start believing that women are better in politics and diplomacy.

It is also intersting to see that Hughes was not taken very well among Arab women. Here the Republican's uncharcteristic foray into Democrat-style feminist-pandering has failed. They should know that they shouldn't be playing by gender-feminist playbooks. It seems that even the so-called "oppressed Arab women" know that American-style militant feminism, characterized by its hatred against men and children (boys) and most of all, against family and family values, is not what they want.

In fact, there is something unsettling about the supposedly conservatie Bush admnistration's blind pursuit of diversity in its administration. The administration was even credited by some liebral media as the most diverse administration in history, but it seems that many of the "diversity" appointments have backfired (Gonzales, and now Hughes)

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