Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Girls victimized into online stripping

If bad news about girls behaving badly is going to go out of control (just imagine Britney Spears, girls gone wild videos and girls striping online) and begin to tarnish the image of entire girls, some kind of spin control is in order. And as you know the spin control by feminists is always to find a new type of victimization.

So a Canadian researcher has “found” that girls are bullied into stripping in front of webcam. So the culprit in this newly found phenomenon is…drum rolling….BOYS (again!!) and of course the conclusion is that girls are totally innocent victim, as always and in any circumstances. The only thing that seems to be missing from this standard feminist victimization story is a call for federal funding to stop on-line bullying or some kind of new government programme that will give more money, power and create more jobs for gender feminists.

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