Friday, March 02, 2007

Festival of man-haters at the United Nations

Finally the cold and bitter days that affected the American East Coast seem to be over (wasn't that cold weather inconvenient to the movie "Inconvenient Truth"?)- yes, it is already March. And March is not just a month when spring officially starts, but it is also a women's month! And at the United Nations, it means an annual festival (or orgies) by man-hating gender feminists!

Thousands of unhappy, young (grungy type) and old (business suits with three-inch shoulder pat type) women packed the UN building to attend the 51 st session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 51), disrupting the normal business there by packing the cafeteria and occupying many tables with mini lunch-session on how to kick men out of political office, and guerilla-posting of posters and flyers everywhere they could.

This is a formal UN conference attended by all UN Member States- meaning representatives of the governments-bureaucrats whose salary come from taxpayers, discussing seriously at an international forum, feminists' traditional issues such as promoting gender quota in parliament and political party, or more innovative or unique issues as gender-sensitive national budget, or mentoring programme for women scientists and female engineering students.
In addition to formal discussions, there are numerous side events that are organized by UN agencies, governments and NGOs. Let me pick up some bizarre side event topics, first by NGOs;

Violence of the girlchild in work situations: challenges and responses.
Media exploitation of girls as a form of violence against girls.
How to organize a social and psychological first aid for child girls?
Women farmers & Conflicts. (???)
Improving Human Rights for Incarcerated Girls. (aren't they way better than for incarcerated boys already?)
Girls At Risk: The Importance of Quality Standards for Children in Out-Of-Home Care, with special Focus on Girls, etc., etc.

Not to be outdone, feminist-infested UN agencies and governments also organize such strange side events as;

Health Disparities that Discriminate against the girl child (yeah, you're right)
The Nordic Father: Role Model for a Caring Male? (that's the only tolerated future model for male)
How to reach the most marginalized & invisible girls? (there GOT TO be victimized girls somewhere - go find them!)
Violence against Indigenous Women (I'm glad I just found another new victim group!)

CSW 51 has set up a special tent only for young women attending the conference, presumably so that young women could feel safe and comfortable in a male-free environment.The whole international conference started to look like a group therapy on the grandest scale....

The CSW, which discusses same topic three years in succession, selected issue of girl child for its topic starting this year. Is this a reflection of UN feminists' new strategy to link issues of women and child, with a primary aim to put on a more benign face to the militant feminists movement and make it difficult for critics to oppose (you can see more detailed discussion on this here and here) or simply they felt that is felt the need to try new approach? Whatever the reason, thousands of girls ( and of course only girls, no boys) are invited to attend the Commission and participate -quite an entitlement and experience for girl teenagers!

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