Friday, March 09, 2007

International Women's Day - newspapers' opinion section hijakced by feminists

Today is 8 March, International Women's Day, meaning that ever-noisy shrieking of gender-feminists will get even shriekier. Today thousands of op-ed articles fill major newspapers around the country and the world; below are some examples (tiny, tiny tip of the iceberg, really);

Some mourned the fact that there is only one women's day in a year (what, you want all 365 days to be women's day?) , while others want to build upon on the already lop-sided health imbalance between me and women by spreading that imbalance from developed countries to the developing countries, one socialist feminists wailed over (allegedly) declining support for feminists' social engineering schemes in Australia.

Most articles wine and gripe about today's so-called "pathetic" state of women and a lack of progress in achieving gender equality. But these professional complainers' complaints look silly when you think about the following facts;

-A woman can considered to be a front-runner for one of the major parties in the Presidential election of world's biggest country, just by marrying a right man, and play up a gender card in garnering support through media,

-One of the two-top contenders for Presidential election in another developed country can thwart any criticism or negative comments by threatening to label them as "sexists' and get away with not answering tough questions,

-Fat, old, ugly female politicians can now take revenge on the beauty standard that consistently eluded them by imposing restriction on the size of fashion model.

-In many countries, being born into women mean that you have guaranteed spots in political party's nomination list, or even reserved seats in local and national parliaments. In some countries, you will have automatically invited to nations' largest corporations' boardroom, and if you think you aren't up for the responsibilities, then don't worry, the government will have a crash-course on how to be (or to behave like) boardroom officers.

-In some countries you will have special mentors/teachers assigned to you if you are in schools and like to pursue math or engineering (or even if you don't want to they'll persuade you to pursue those fields)

I don't know how in the face of these lopsided benefits and entitlements those gender feminists could continue to churn out those cookie-cutter "women-oppressed" op-ed pieces.

Predictably most of the feminists' op-ed articles were identical in their contents; call for more women in politics and corporate boardroom - what else could today's power-obsessed gender-feminists can think about? In the end, every problem in the world that are related to women, be it violence or excessive diet or sports or whatever, would be connected to these two issues by the fluent tongue of gender-feminists, because after all, only those two are going to directly benefit those professional complainers and data/logic distorters, a.k.a. gender feminists - power and money.

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